Iphone Usage Tips To Make Life Easy

When it comes to the iPhone, what are apps and how do they make using an iPhone a pleasant experience? Well, thankfully you stumbled onto some great information because the article below will show lots of neat little tips about iPhone apps that will help your experience using this phone. When you know how to properly use your iPhone, your life will suddenly become a little bit easier.

If the iPhone is wet, dry it with rice. Dropping your phone in a puddle, the toilet or another wet location is almost inevitable. Do not use a hair dryer, but wipe the phone with a towel and then place it in a ziploc bag that is filled with rice. Leave it like that overnight, and it should be nice and dry in the morning.

When surfing the web on the iPhone, you do not need to add “.com” to web addresses. Just put the main address – anything before the .com – to navigate to the site you want. This might not seem important, but it will save lots of time during the time you have your phone.

You can set reminders based on location with your iPhone. You can ask Siri to remind you to call your work at 5pm. You can say “Siri, remind me to call work when I get home.” Then, once you reach home, Siri will sense it and remind you. That way, if you have no idea when you will reach home, you are still going to have a reminder.

You phone will allow you to view parts of your messages even when locked through its default settings. You may like this feature, or you may hate it. If it is not to your liking, there is an option to remove this facility. Simply open Settings, move to Notifications, and click Messages. Show Preview is the option you want to turn off.

If you want to do everything that your iPhone can possibly do, you need to master its multimedia abilities. You can enjoy videos from virtually any source on your iPhone. This media mobility means you can watch movies or shows wherever you are.

After reading this article, you know more about how to make the most of your iPhone. Just keep this advice in mind when you are using your iPhone.

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